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Over 18 Years of Craftmanship

Because of Our many years of experience, Oro’s Ornamental Iron has become one of the leading manufacturers of iron gates in California.

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Custom Designed

Oro’s Ornamental Iron offers custom designed indoor and outdoor wrought iron railings with bowed, curved, twisted or straight balusters or spindles.

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Premium Quality

Expertly fabricated and finished to your selected design and specifications. Installed by superior craftsman, Providing you with high quality custom  Iron Railing with long life and low maintenance.

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Plenty Of Design Options

You can select from our broad design collection, or you can share with us your specific requirements and preferences, in order to get a unique and elegant design of your own.

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Surround Your Property with the Perfect Railing

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We treat each of our clients as a unique case, which is why we put all our efforts in our work, in order to deliver the perfect entry gate you envisioned.
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Let’s Get Started!

Please fill out the form below, and we will be contacting you very shortly!

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Let’s Get Started!

Click On Catalog Below to Browse Our Latest Edition.
